Elevating our Humane and Good Hearts to Action

Your new Mayor and new City Council members elected in November 2022 will best serve Petaluma citizens by being thoughtful, considerate and active, ready to devote time and energy to internal improvement in Petaluma City Government and community-based achievements and solutions to challenges for housing, transportation, safe streets, community safety, and our multi-faceted environment.

Political rivalries have a long history in the City of Petaluma. These will likely continue to exist into the future. But, transcending political rivalries and unifying to be a strong elected voice representing all Petaluma residents are responsibilities of elected officials who want to be considered leaders. We need leadership from the Mayor and from members of the City Council – for the good of the entire Petaluma community.

Susan views leadership as integrity of process, support to create vibrant neighborhoods with nearby services, creating living opportunities for new residents with racial and ethnic diversity, and a carbon-reduced and neutral future. Add to these community builders support for our pets, animals and wildlife.

The environment we support, habitat areas we protect and connect, open and green spaces we identify and secure forever, all possible with good policy, planning and action, will give homes and areas for pets, animals and wildlife often struggling to survive, find nutrition and safe places to live, nest and give birth and raise wild young, then struggling to survive again.

Let’s support North Bay Animal Services, the nonprofit providing excellent services for our homeless animals and adoption services. For wildlife and birds, species extinction is a critical part of our international Climate Emergency.  Let’s support our wildlife and bird rescue and rehabilitation centers in Sonoma and Marin Counties, integral and essential to our daily lives and more important than ever in emergencies. Caring for our vulnerable pets, animals and wildlife exemplify humane lives and compassion for youth and adults. Let’s also support our farm animal sanctuaries and wildlife sanctuaries.

And let’s support nonprofit organizations doing good conservation and education work to protect habitat, wildlife corridors, the grassland areas, the hills, the Petaluma Wetlands and the Petaluma River.

With Susan’s background and life experience in environmental protection and giving a voice to wildlife and animals, she is often asked about the Fairgrounds – What about the Petaluma Fairgrounds and saving the Fair? For community safety, building a civic complex close to East Washington Street to house City Hall, the main Fire Department and the Police Department will be positive for Petaluma. Considering the open space the fairgrounds acreage represents, with possible habitat enhancement for birds and wildlife rarely recognized or discussed will support keeping the fairgrounds as that large open area. Existing uses such as the charter school can be reviewed and potentially supported to remain, via, again, a lens of equity. The Sonoma-Marin Fair is an historic use for the fairgrounds property and clearly many in Petaluma want to save the fair and keep it going for years to come. If we move in this direction, Susan would like to see farm animal sanctuary displays and the new program, LEAP (Leaders in Ethics, Animals and the Planet) be available during the fair so young people and adults who resonate with new directions for animals can receive support and information. The speedway that is much discussed does produce noise and emissions that impact nearby neighborhoods. Transitioning to a fast-paced electric vehicle raceway is a new path that retains the raceway and also addresses reducing emissions. Susan likes the idea of a civic center building for events and an enclosed space for concerts or other potential noise producers that can generate revenue, similar to the building near the Marin County Civic Center. With these uses, and not including housing in the mix, the character of the fairgrounds can be maintained and open space, public safety, civic life, and the fair and events would be supported. Add to this sensible mix the critical importance of upgrading and maintaining the fairgrounds as an emergency evacuation location, and we may have a best balanced response to what will become of the fairgrounds?

Susan wants to hear from you –

What are your priorities and interests?

Are you in agreement with Susan’s priorities?

Please contact us and let us know.

Susan will be Your Voice as the Petaluma Mayor.

susan.petaluma@gmail.com, 707-779-9788.